7 Pitches That Sold:  How to Pitch Stories Editors Love, Double Your Income, and Land Bylines in Top-Tier Publications

This 34-page e-book shows you how to do all this and more, including seven successful pitches and an analysis of why they worked. You’ll learn the hard-won lessons that led to stories in The Washington Post, Runner’s World, Outside, and others.

Stop relying on trial and error and increase your odds of success right now. Read today, pitch tomorrow, and win.  Click here to learn more.

There’s No Room for Fear in a Burley Trailer 

There is actually plenty of room for fear- on the bike, off the bike, and nearly everywhere- but you’re better off ignoring it (except for those times when you get lost and/or nearly die).

Standing just five feet tall and consistently picked last in gym class as a kid, what Pam Moore lacks in height and natural athleticism, she makes up for in heart and drive.

Pam moved halfway across the country (after giving away many possessions), found a job (it didn’t last), completed two Ironman triathlons (and lived), dated (searching for the proverbial Jewish doctor), met her WASP husband (at a bar), settled down (bought a house), and had two children (at home).

And wrote about it all.

This collection of personal essays and reflections covers the ups and downs of life, the joys and fears of parenting, and how hard it is to have bangs (it really is).

Available for Purchase Here:

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | IndieBound

Praise for There’s No Room For Fear in a Burley Trailer

“Pam’s writing flows fast and funny from the page, yet her voice possesses an introspection and poignancy that makes you want to linger over every essay. She’s a champion of motherhood stories, with an honest, humble, and hilarious approach, be it with directing and producing LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER: BOULDER for three years, or her delightful, relatable writing.”

—Ann Imig, founder and editor of LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER

Get in touch if you’d like me to join your book club for an evening (virtually or in-person).
I’m super fun and I promise to give an honest answer to any question you can throw at me.