PR Consulting

I help forward-thinking, mission-driven creatives
get noticed so they can
uplift their communities (and make money so they can keep creating).


So you want to earn media like a boss? I can help.

    • Pitch writing

    • Pitch/press release revision 

    • Create a media pitch strategy 

    • Pitch consulting

      • Best practices 

      • Timing 

      • Do’s and don’ts for what to include in a pitch, how long it should be, how to follow up, etc. 

    • Done for you pitching- I pitch all appropriate channels on your behalf. You get the peace of mind of me taking this off your plate AND (whenever applicable) the chance for me to tap my network of fellow journalists and editors, which includes people with whom I have built long-term professional relationships and friendships. 

    • Identify opportunities for you to contribute to articles as an expert source

    • Connect you with relevant interview opportunities

    • Coach you on how to give an A+ interview every time and become journalists' go-to expert source

    • We schedule a mock interview, which is recorded for both of our future use. 

    • I give you real time feedback right after the interview and written feedback including areas where you did well, where you could improve and specific tactics for how to improve 

    • Follow-up 2nd interview to practice new strategies 

    • I am present (via Zoom, camera and audio turned off) for an actual media interview and offer constructive feedback in written form afterward. 

Sick of relying on the algorithm to reach your people? Let’s do something different.

  • Newsletters are awesome because you get to reach your audience directly instead of relying on the algorithm gods to deliver your message.

    • Newsletter consulting

      • Content strategy, what platform to use, frequency, list building tactics, etc. 

    • Newsletter template set-up 

    • Newsletter sending (all of the above plus I will manage the newsletter entirely) 

  • Podcasting can be a great way to spread your message, develop relationships with other influential voices in your space, and reach their audiences while you're at it. (Plus it's fun.)

    • Is a podcast for you? Let’s talk about your goals and resources to see if it’s a fit

    • What would your podcast look like? I can talk you through your options including: 

      • Content strategy 

      • Publication schedule 

      • Hosting options 

      • DIY versus hiring an editor/producer 

    • I pitch and write a personal essay or op-ed featuring your message/work which is published under your byline 

    • I create content for your LinkedIn or other social posts to grow your authority and presence 

  • For the solopreneur who has more time than money and is ready to learn new skills and spread their message

    • Pitch email template for you to fill in 

    • Suggested timeline for PR outreach and follow up + sample follow-up email  

    • How to position yourself as an expert source PDF: How to grow your authority by being quoted as an expert source and how to connect with journalists 

    • Media interview cheat sheet PDF: How to nail your media interviews

    • Zoom or phone call to answer all your lingering PR questions

  • We schedule a phone or Zoom call, you ask me all your. burning PR questions. You leave empowered and excited to go EARN THAT MEDIA.

Oh, you like money? Let’s get you PAID.

  • Partnering with like-minded businesses means you’re not relying solely on ticket sales to produce a profitable event, you can leverage their audience to share your message, and they get to support creative work with a mission (that’s your event!) It’s a win/win! 

    • Sponsorship package creation- including three levels of sponsorship, what they each include, and a template email to send to potential sponsors

    • A list of potential sponsors to reach out to

    • Sponsorship prospecting done for you

  • You believe in you. I believe in you. Let's get your community behind you, too, in the form of financial support.

    I love selling, especially when I'm selling an idea or vision that speaks to my heart.

    Let me take over the sales stuff so you can put your energy into the creative stuff!

Why work with me?

I’m an occupational therapist turned award-winning freelance journalist with bylines in outlets like The Washington Post, Runner’s World, and Time, who once got to interview Mindy Kaling.

I’m also a standup comic, the host of the Real Fit podcast, and one of the original co-producers of Boulder’s Listen To Your Mother Show, which consistently sold out under my leadership. 

Thanks to my healthcare background and journalism career, I know how to ask the right questions—and listen deeply to the answers—so I can get to the heart of my clients’ needs. 

As a writer and performer, I understand what your creative work means to you, and as a producer, I know what it takes to make an event a success. 

As a journalist, I understand exactly how to talk to journalists so they pay attention. 

Here’s a secret: I get dozens of PR pitches in my inbox every single day—and I send 99% of them right to the trash. 

Most of the PR professionals sending those emails have no idea how to grab a journalist’s attention, what they can do to make our lives easier, or what we’re looking for in a potential story. With over ten years of experience writing for both local and top tier national media outlets, I have the skills and relationships it takes to get the media to cover your story and feature your insights. 

I can’t promise you’ll get coverage. While I do have confidence and tenacity, I don’t have a crystal ball or any tolerance for BS. 

P.S. I’ve gotten media coverage for myself and my clients in outlets including:

  • The New York Times

  • Runner’s World

  • Bicycling Magazine 

  • Yahoo Life


  • 9News Television 

  • The Denver Post

  • KGNU Boulder Radio 

  • Boulder Daily Camera 

  • Boulder Weekly 

  • The North Platte Telegraph

  • Capital Chat Juneau (radio) 

  • The Source (Washington University’s alumni magazine) 

  • Highly rated podcasts such as Hit Play Not Pause, Not Your Average Runner, The Movement Movement, Dear Nina: Conversations About Friendship

Joe Huisman,
Second Chance Comedy
founder and producer

“I had the pleasure of working with Pam on the PR for my comedy show, Second Chance Comedy.

With Pam’s help, my show gained significant visibility and credibility. She helped me prepare a comprehensive press kit and coached me on how to handle media interviews, which made a tremendous difference. Her efforts led to two local media outlets featuring my show, giving it the exposure it needed.

I especially appreciated Pam’s personalized approach; she took the time to understand my story and my goals, and she tailored her PR strategies to fit my needs perfectly.

I was also impressed with her exceptional organizational skills, her vast network of media contacts, and her ability to provide clear, actionable advice. She not only helped me get the word out about my show but also empowered me with the knowledge and confidence to continue promoting it effectively on my own.

Pam is a true PR professional who genuinely cares about her clients' success. I highly recommend her to anyone looking to boost their visibility and make a lasting impact.

Ready to get started?
Have questions?

Let’s talk