
Ready to stop stressing about food and exercise
and start fully showing up to your life?

Real Nourished
is a newsletter for you.

“I’m a writer and yoga teacher who has spent almost a decade teaching online and across studios. At the same time, I’ve been on my own journey to get free from diet culture and unlearn the cult of “wellness.”

Pam’s voice is unique in this space because she comes from an athletic background, so her message sits at this potent intersection of actual health and well-being along with fitness, which is rare to find.”

Babette Dunkelgrun, yoga teacher, writer, and writing coach

Each free, bi-weekly issue features
evidence-based tools and resources to help you…

  • reduce food-related anxiety

  • improve your body image

  • embrace exercise as a form of nourishment — not punishment.

“I receive SO many newsletters, especially in the health and wellness space. I am very picky when adding another to the queue. But, once I dug into Pam’s content … all my hesitations fell away.

I knew I needed to receive this information!

Shannon Fable, Health and Wellness Business Consultant

Subscribe and get my free guide:
11 Things You Can Do Right Now
to Feel Better About Your Body

As an occupational therapist-turned-award-winning health and fitness journalist, certified intuitive eating counselor, certified personal trainer, two-time Ironman finisher, and six-time marathoner with bylines in outlets including The Washington Post, SELF, and Runner’s World, I’m dedicated to helping women find food freedom.

I’d love to help you, too.

“Of all the newsletters I receive, Pam’s is on the shortlist of newsletters I consistently open.

I love how her personality comes through, and how it’s not just about her — every issue shares relevant anti-diet content I can use in my own life. And because it’s brief, funny, and easily digestible, I always read it through to the end.”

Sarah Protzman Howlett, freelance writer and editor

In case we haven’t met yet,
I’m Pam and I’m glad you’re here.

As an occupational therapist-turned-award-winning health and fitness journalist, certified intuitive eating counselor, certified personal trainer, two-time Ironman finisher, and six-time marathoner with bylines in outlets including The Washington Post, SELF, and Runner’s World, I’m dedicated to helping women find food freedom.

I’d love to help you, too.

Interested in Group Coaching?

I’m launching a virtual women’s group coaching cohort and I’d love for you to join us!