Win a Copy of There's No Room For Fear in a Burley Trailer
In honor of Valentine's Day, I'm giving away a copy of my book, There's No Room For Fear in a Burley Trailer.I admit I love Valentine's Day. Certainly I've had my share of shitty Valentine's Days, like the one when I went out with my hot best friend and every guy at the bar wanted to talk to her and no guy wanted talk to me, and I was miserable and lonely and even though I'd eaten nothing but a tangerine and a Morningstar Chick Patty for dinner, I solved the problem by having another drink, and then another and another, until I created a whole new problem for myself in the bathroom of the Orange County Social Club. But I've had good ones too, like the one when I got a new door instead of flowers, and of course the one when Dan and I met.To enter to win, click over to my Facebook post and tag a friend in the comments (also feel free to like my page if you haven't yet). The contest ends at midnight MST on Saturday 2/13 and I will announce a winner on Valentine's Day. The book is a collection of stories chronicling my journey from amateur triathlete to rookie mom, and all my misadventures along the way (and there are many). And speaking of Valentine's Day, as much as professing my love for my husband on social media is not my jam, I have to admit the way the book came about was incredibly romantic. Dan compiled 266 pages worth of what he considered to be my best blog posts and surprised me with this book for my birthday. You can watch my reaction when I opened my birthday present here. Yes, it was the best birthday present ever. No, I do not ever hope to receive another birthday present that can match this one. And if you want to know how he did it, it was a very involved process, of formatting, and copyediting, and style editing, and all kinds of other details that he graciously shared for this guest post on Beyond Your Blog.