10| Brie Doyle, retreat leader, author, and meditation and yoga teacher: "Silence has so much for us."

Brie's bio

Brie Doyle is the founder of She Glows Retreats, LLC, hosting transformational retreats throughout the US, and internationally.  She is also the author of the forthcoming book: You Should Leave Now: Going on Retreat to Find Your Way Back to Yourself (July 2021).  

She helps people heal their past, uncover their gifts, and create their extraordinary futures. 

 Doyle specializes in curating mental and emotional wellness curriculum for groups, conscious companies, schools and individuals.  

A yoga and meditation teacher for over 20 years, Doyle has worked with everyone from middle school students in Harlem, housewives in Nepal, executives at Google, to athletes on Division 1 campus.  Doyle is also an award-winning fiction writer. She lives in Boulder, Colorado with her husband and 3 kids.

Connect with Brie

Website: www.briedoyle.com

Instagram: @WellBeingByBrie

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wellbeingbybrie

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/she-glows-retreats

In this episode, we talked about…

  • Playing baseball on a boys team as a kid 

  • How she got into track and field 

  • How masculine and feminine energy show up differently in sports 

  • What does it mean to embrace your masculine vs feminine energy?

  • What Brie’s movement practice looks like 

  • The workout Brie wants to try

  • How to figure out what you truly want

  • The power of spending time alone 

  • What’s the difference between a vacation and a retreat? 

  • The nine elements of a retreat 

  • What it means to connect with spirituality 

  • What led Brie to leave organized religion (Catholicism and Buddhism)

  • How motherhood changed her connection to religion 

  • Advice for moms on how to maintain a writing practice (or any creative pursuit). 

  • On finding herself achieving her dream… at the worst possible time 

  • The question ever Boulderite asks themself at some point 

  • How Brie establishes boundaries and creates “white space” as a creative and an entrepreneur. 

  • The surprising backstory behind Brie’s book deal - and why You Should Leave Now wasn’t the book she thought she’d publish. 

  • How letting go - not grinding - helped Brie, a self-proclaimed hustler-  get the book deal 

  • The power of feeling seen 

  • Why “your focus is too narrow”’ is an excellent pattern interrupt


“You can learn every moral or value or principle that you need to learn in sports.”

“There is so much power and beauty in femininity.”

“Silence has so much for us.”

If we’re going to be creative, if we’re going to be productive, we absolutely have to hold space for quiet and solo time.”

“I think our movement is so linked with our energy. If we’re still and stagnant we can’t access the same level of energy that we have when we welcome movement into our life”

“I have to move every day in one way or another.”

“Spirituality to me is just about reconnecting with what is beyond the five senses... so reconnecting with a sense of energy reconnecting with what is greater than ourselves you know it's to me it's not related to God necessarily at all it’s messages receiving messages from the universe.”

“It's kind of pulling away from those more tangible ways of relating were always relating in such a predictable fashion and we're working word connecting with family text with friends but when we pull away we allow space to receive kind of messages and new ideas and inspiration… this to me is the essence of spirituality. It’s feeling really grounded in who we are and that there’s something that’s bigger than what we are.”

“Our gaze is so narrow.”

“Spirituality is opening up to whatever it is to come, to whatever it is you are to receive, to messages to signs to new ideas to connections with people who you’ve lost.”

“The dream has to be bigger than the problem.”

“We can get so caught up in the story of why we can’t that then we lose the dream. And I’m a big dreamer. I’m a big believer in following the dream and taking the risk doing the thing that not everybody does because I want to live that life.” 

“We have to wed ourselves to the dream more than we wed ourselves to the excuse or the problem.”

“Then dream is what you wed yourself to and what you go for because what else are we here for?”

“I don’t want to look back and feel like gosh I wish I would have just gone for it."

“We’re always evolving. And if we don’t take moments of space we just plow through. We do all the shoulds, all the need to’s. But if we don’t pull away we’ll do that our whole life until it’s too late.”

“I liken retreat to negative space in artwork. Art is so bright and so beautiful because of the negative space and that’s the same with our lives. It can be bright and full and beautiful only if we pull back sometimes. We can’t always be bright and bold and beautiful all the time. It’s too much. And that’s what normalized in our society but it’s not healthy.” 

“What is meant for you will come for you.” 

“One of my deep lessons has always been trusting the universe… if I relax a little and have a little grace I allow space for magic to unfold.” 

“Success is about appreciating what I have.” 


How to be a badass mom

S-factor dance 

The Artists Way by Julia Cameron

A Fine Balance - Indian mystery 

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle 

You Can Heal your Life by Louise Hay

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