Ten-Minute Tuesday: What Bell's Palsy and my nine-year-old taught me about self-love

In 2014, ten days after my second daughter was born, I was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy; the right side of my face became paralyzed and never fully recovered. At the time all I wanted was for my face to go back to normal. Actually, for years, I was obsessed with my facial asymmetry. As we approach the fourth anniversary of the publication of an essay I wrote about the experience, I have more perspective about the experience and what it means—and I have my older daughter to thank for it.

Resources/Stuff I mentioned in the episode

Stuff I didn't mention in the episode that you might be interested in anyway:

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12| Erica Sara, mom, runner, jewelry designer, and entrepreneur: Never give up


11| Alison Rothman, body-centered holistic coach: How to access strength and resilience from within