Ten-minute Tuesday: How acting like a detective can help you heal your body image issues

In this solo episode, I dig into body image. I grew up thinking my parents had little, if anything to do with my fat-phobia. But since I started paying attention, I’ve noticed lots of clues that indicate I was wrong. I say this not to place blame on my parents; I know they were doing the best they could. 

But I think it’s important to act like a detective when it comes to body image; you can’t change something you’re not aware of. 

Becoming aware of your thoughts and beliefs around body image — and where they came from — is an important step toward healing your relationship with food and exercise. 

Listen to learn:

-What I learned from watching the Bachelorette (don’t judge!) with my dad and my daughters

-How acting like a detective helped me identify the root of some of body image issues- and how it can help you, too

-A simple, effective tool that can help you let go of the thoughts or beliefs that don’t serve you 


Future guest Christine DeFilippis’s podcast, Breaking Body Biases

Byron Katie/The Work


15| Elaine Howley, marathon swimmer, writer, and artist: Finding her limits at the intersection of hard work and joy


14| Ashley DePaulis, Body Muse and Movement Alchemist: How to tap into your body's wisdom and get unstuck