Ten-Minute Tuesday: What if you trusted that you already had the answers?

In honor of Valentine's Day (can we just call this Valentine's Week???) I'm sharing a solo episode where I talk about how acting on intuition instead of fear led me to Colorado, where I met my husband a couple of weeks after I got here — at a bar, on Valentine's Day.

Intuition is a theme that comes up over and over on this podcast and for good reason. It's powerful stuff. It's there and I believe it's ready to illuminate your path. Are you listening to it?

Jamie Gold interview
Catherine Apicella interview
Alison Rothman interview
Nicole DeBoom interview
Elise Cranny interview
Nell Rojas interview
My first night in Boulder (blog post)
How Dan and I met, unabridged (blog post)

Have a question you'd like me to answer on the podcast?
Ask it right here

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Let's Connect
Website: https://pam-moore.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pammoorewriter/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pammoore303/
Twitter: https://https://twitter.com/PamMooreWriter/


28| Jena Schwartz, writer, coach, and runner: “Writing has brought me into the body and the body has brought me into more truth on the page”


27| Meghan Wieser, physical therapist and weightlifter: Learning to Listen to Your Body