You’re ready to stop stressing about food, exercise, and the shape and size of your body.

Let’s get there together.

Welcome to SAVOR, a community of active women who are tired of letting food rules and weight concerns sap their life energy, joy, and pleasure.


Master the principles of Intuitive Eating so you can get back in touch with your body’s wisdom—and live a life free from rules and restriction.


Join a group of like-minded women who are navigating the same challenges and take comfort in knowing you’re not in this alone.


Take advantage of live coaching and mindset strategies to unlock the food freedom and self-trust you’ve always wanted.

“I struggle with being open about my issues with food. I’d never spoken about them in a group setting before, so I was nervous — but the environment was extremely open and accepting. Pam did a wonderful job creating an environment in which we were able to understand the concept and apply it to our daily approach to food.”

—Kate K.

SAVOR is for women who…

  • Want to give up diet rules and restrictions but feel overwhelmed by the idea of intuitive eating

  • Struggle to balance intuitive eating with fueling for athletic performance

  • Feel guilty for skipping a workout or cutting it short—even if you’re sick or just not feeling it

  • Are sick and tired of being stuck in the binge/restrict cycle

  • Are burnt out on doing the mental math of “earning” their calories by working out

  • Want to bring joy back to their workouts or movement practice

  • Know plenty about nutrition—but are overwhelmed by all the information and how to make sense of it all

  • Feel like they’re supposed to love their body— but aren’t sure how to even accept or tolerate it

  • Felt like they’d made peace with their body—until perimenopause hit

  • Want to save their precious energy to learn, build, and connect in their personal and professional lives—not to micromanage their food and exercise

  • Are reading this and thinking, “This is ME!!!”

What you’ll get

Your SAVOR membership includes…

  • Starting in October, we'll meet over Zoom, generally on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 10-11 AM Mountain Time/ 12-1 PM Eastern Time, with exceptions for holidays and other scheduling conflicts.

    The first session of the month will include a teaching portion in which Pam will discuss a specific topic, followed by live coaching on that topic.

    The second session of the month will be reserved purely for live coaching. Come prepared with any questions you have about food, exercise, body image, or anything that's creating barriers between you and a peaceful relationship with food and your body.

    Teaching portions will be recorded and shared with the group, however out of respect for every member's privacy, the live coaching portions wiil not be recorded.

    Teaching topics may include:
    *Ditching the diet mentality

    *Giving yourself permission to eat all foods

    *Coping when your friends and family are talking about their new diet (or "lifestyle")

    *Balancing intuitive eating with fueling for performance

    *Practicing self-compassion after a binge or an indulgent meal

    *Exploring our food and body stories

    *Body neutrality vs body positivity

    *Creating a definition of wellness that serves you

  • This is an online space where you can connect with other like-minded women who share the same goals, ask questions, share wins and challenges, and get support from Pam and each other.

  • As a member of SAVOR you’ll get 20% off coaching sessions with Pam. You'll also have the option to upgrade your membership to include asynchronous 1:1 coaching via voice memo and a monthly 25-minute 1:1 turbo session, neither of which is available to non-SAVOR members. Upgrading your SAVOR membership is the most cost-effective way to work with Pam on an individual basis.

Reserve your spot by September 15th and lock in the founding member fee
of $47/month—for life. (Pssst…prices will never dip this low again!)



Group Coaching

  • Full membership in the SAVOR community with all the benefits noted above



Group Coaching
Asynchronous 1:1 coaching

  • Full membership in the SAVOR community

  • 1:1 support from Pam via What’s App voice messaging. (Record a voice memo for Pam and she’ll respond within 48 business hours.)



Group Coaching
Asynchronous 1:1 coaching
Real-time 1:1 coaching

  • Full membership in the SAVOR community

  • 1:1 support from Pam via What’s App voice messaging. (Record a voice memo for Pam and she’ll respond within 48 business hours.)

  • One monthly* 25-minute 1:1 mini-coaching session with Pam via Zoom. 

    *monthly sessions do not roll over


PSSSST… This is special beta pricing.
Join by midnight MDT September 15th, 2024
to become a founding member and lock these prices in FOR LIFE.

On September 15th, prices will increase to:

Diva: $87/month
Queen: $137/month
Goddess: $177/month

“I was initially hesitant to invest the time and money into a retreat like this but I’m so glad I did. My favorite part was the chance to take some quality quiet reflecting time with the different prompts. I also appreciated the chance to discuss my relationship with food and my body among a supportive group; it was comforting to know I’m not the only one dealing with these issues and coming away with a few tools I can use when I encounter thought patterns that don’t serve me. Pam also did a great job of very quickly creating a feeling of community among strangers. “

—Regan K.

Frequently asked questions

  • Teaching sessions will be recorded and you can view them after the fact.

    However, we will not be recording the live coaching portion. This is to maintain the privacy of each group member, as SAVOR members will be sharing from a vulnerable place. 

  • We begin in October 2024.

  • Yes. If you decide you want to upgrade or downgrade email Pam and you will be billed for the new level in the next billing cycle.

  • When you sign up, you will receive an invoice, due upon receipt, to cover the first three months of your membership, as there is a three-month minimum commitment.

    At the three-month mark, you will be billed at the end of each month for the month ahead.

    Payment options include credit card, Venmo, and Paypal.

    *This system is subject to change as the group grows. Pam will always give you as much advance notice as possible of any changes.

  • No, however, you are welcome to cancel your subscription at any time.
    Don't hesitate to ask any questions about whether this program is a fit before signing up!

  • Coaching can help bridge the gap between where you are now and where you’d like to be. 

    If you’re tired of doing the mental gymnastics of trying to “earn” your food, sick of stressing about vacations and parties, done with comparing yourself to your friends — but you’re not sure how to get there, coaching can give you the tools and mindset shifts you need to shift to a more sustainable, nourishing approach to all of these situations (and more!) 

  • In my experience, three months is the minimum amount of time required for most people to experience the benefits of learning and being part of a group. A three- month commitment give you a chance to develop meaningful connections with fellow SAVOR members and gives you a chance to integrate new mindset tools and strategies into your life with support from Pam.

    After three months, you are welcome to continue, pause, or cancel your membership. 

  • I’m a certified intuitive eating coach and certified personal trainer with a background as an occupational therapist. I’ve also written extensively about health (including mental health) and fitness for outlets including The Washington Post, Runner’s World, SELF, and many other top-tier outlets. 

    I’ve also been on my own journey from disordered eating and obsessive exercise to intuitive eating and joyful movement (which still includes room for competition!). I’ve taught indoor cycling classes for over 20 years, have completed two Ironmans, six marathons, and countless other endurance events. When I’m not creating, coaching, or connecting with my friends and family, you can usually find me exploring the trails in and around my home in Boulder, Colorado on my gravel bike. 

    My continuing education includes courses on Internal Family Systems in the treatment of eating disorders, anxiety management, craniosacral therapy, and tapping. 

  • If you are someone who challenges yourself in your workouts or movement practice, this is for you. You do not necessarily need to identify as an athlete or compete in a particular sport to qualify as “active.” Still not sure? Email with your questions.

  • Intuitive Eating is based on the idea that YOU—not a diet, program, or app—are the expert on what you need to eat.

    Rather than relying on external metrics, including weight, calories, or macronutrients, as an intuitive eater, you can trust your fullness, hunger, taste preferences, energy requirements, and culture, to guide you in deciding when, what, and how much to eat.

    A philosophy developed in the 1990s by dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Eileen Resch, Intuitive Eating can help you break up with dieting and the pursuit of the "ideal" physique so that you can live a full, satisfying life, free from the pressures of weight loss and "perfect" eating.

  • Yes! SAVOR will help you lay the groundwork for a relationship with food and your body that feels relaxed and healthy. You will also have a community to help answer your questions and share their experiences to support you as you adopt a new “owner’s manual” for your body. 

  • Yes. In the fatphobic world in which we live, it can be hard not  to want to lose weight.

    That said, the purpose of this group is not to help members lose weight or change their body composition.

    Rather, the group is here to support you in exploring why you want to lose weight, how this desire has failed to serve you in the past, and to establish a new relationship with your body and food that’s rooted not in self-loathing or a desire for a “better body” but in self-compassion and body trust. 

  • Please help yourself to the free resources I offer: 

    • Subscribe to my newsletter, Real Nourished: Reinventing your Relationship with Food

    • Listen to my podcast, Real Fit

    • Read my blog posts on Intuitive Eating and Fitness

    • Follow me on LinkedIn and Instagram

  • Just ask! There are no dumb questions. Email Pam at

Ready to transform
your relationship with food
and make peace with your body?

SAVOR requires a minimum 3-month commitment,
after which point you may pause or cancel your membership at any time.